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Ninety-eight percent of all disease is curable

Summary:  According to Dr. Isaac Goiz, founder of Biomagnetism Pairs Therapy, if you exclude physical trauma and congenital birth defections, then 98 percent of all disease or health problems are curable if you take action before irreversible tissue damage happens.


How is it that we get sick?

Essentially, we end up in various states of disease when we have two or more pH distorting factors, meaning two or more germs, one germ and a dysfunction (or more), two dysfunctions (or more) or two emotional traumas (or more). In other words, we are ill when we have two or more of something that causes pH distortions.

Have you ever stopped to think about what it means to have arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, or lupus? Have you realized that the diagnosis speaks nothing about what caused the disease? Instead, the diagnosis speaks of a morphological description of a degenerative process.

Looking at inflammation of joints and calling it arthritis means absolutely nothing. Furthermore, being told by medical professionals that it is incurable and must be managed by medication is an unacceptable conclusion.

Arthritis does have its origins, and we’ve already discussed that it is two or more of something and it generally has to do with bacteria.

If professionals say there is no cure for this and many other health obstacles, then why do people improve and heal after seeking Goizean Biomagnetism.

The answer is simple: get rid of the pH distortion using Biomagnetism so that you have perfect inner biochemical balance, nourish your body with nutrients, live your dreams by focusing on what you do have and not what is missing, learn to have gratitude and say thank-you, learn to take responsibility by saying “I’m sorry,” love yourself, strive for peace, and you’ll have a perfectly well-functioning body and life.

If we understand this much and take action, then living a perfect life is undoubtedly within reach.

Time and again I have seen biomagnetism work to cure people, myself included. I have seen my toddler son recover from a horrible cold and cough. I have helped friends, neighbors and strangers alike and day by day gather more and more faith in this system.

When I wrote my first edition of the book How Magnets Can Save Your Life, I was thinking that while this science might not be understood or accepted by many, and I might be criticized and accused of promoting quackery or placebo medicine, I had to do it because if it has worked for those so close to me and they have benefited from it, I know I can help others.

That was the motivation that prompted me to write the sequel to that book, Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System, so that everyone could do magnetic pairing on themselves and get started on the road to wellness. I even started to ensure that people could get good health magnets through

These books leave you with no excuse to avoid living the life you and your family deserve. You’ll want your children and the generations to come to have this information for it is truly priceless.

At the moment, Goizean Biomagnetism and Alphabiotics are not covered by any healthcare insurance. Your investment will be out of pocket, but it will be one that yields the greatest fruit so that you actually live a healthy, medicine-free life.

It is difficult for some to take action because they are only thinking in dollar signs instead of the ultimate reward. However, not including these methods into the medical field, besides keeping people diseased, will continue leading countries into greater deficits as a result of a currently costly failed healthcare system.

Someone recently told me they lost two family members to cancer in the same year and both their medical expenses were upwards of $200,000 US each. Insiders in the field have told me that the expenses can be even greater; this is just to give you an idea of the costs involved.

What they got in exchange for $200,000 was chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, constant testing (blood work, biopsies, MRIs, PET and CT Scans, and who knows what else), very little face time with the physician, hours spent in the waiting room, trips to the pharmacy, and hours dazed in front of the television or the computer for they were barely self-sufficient and functional.

In other words, they got a depleted quality of life, a whole lot of misery, and a false sense of hope.

It is truly amazing that every day my colleagues and I are helping thousands of people worldwide obtain health by erasing the biochemical imbalances that are causing such diseases.

In my video collection you will find several testimonials. One woman shared how after four biomagnetic sessions she went to her scheduled surgery appointment and was sent home because there was nothing to operate.

If we run the numbers, can you imagine the thousands of people we can help with biomagnetism for the cost of treatments for one person under allopathic care? We would clearly be living in a different type of world – that is for sure! This solution may not be in the pharmaceutical industry’s best interest, but it is definitely in your best interest.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

Harnessing the amazing power of fruits and vegetables

Summary:  You are what you eat in every sense of the word. Eating a diet heavy in vegetables and fruits is the key to clear thoughts and a well-functioning body.


Throughout history many cultures have relieved on fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, not only for the obvious survival reasons, but for maintaining health and curing disease.

Nowadays, with the rise in obesity and other diet related diseases, it seems pretty obvious that humanity as a whole has forgotten the importance of eating real food.

By real food, I refer to food that is born from the earth, and not food which is chemically and industrially altered and packaged for a long shelf life in the supermarket.

There is so much that real food can offer us. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are extremely nutritious. When we understand some of their chemical components (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, oils, etc.) we become more aware and have control of our health.

Before going on to the main theme of this blog, let me quickly address the milk (lactose) issue because it is an important one.

I had the privilege of hearing pediatric surgeon Dr. Guillermo Pinzon speak on the detrimental effects of consuming milk products.

He reminded us that humans are the only species which consumes milk from a foreign animal. We are told milk is the perfect source of calcium, but it is a poorer source than many of the foods we will discuss here.

The reason we need to avoid milk products is that the protein in the cow’s milk is incompatible with our organism and these proteins, when mixed with the acids and yeast in our body, become a polymer (like plastic).

I loved cheese all my life, but I’m letting it go and guess what?

It’s been weeks now without any form of lactose products and already I feel dramatically different. For example, I have more energy. I brought my belt in another notch this morning and I haven’t had any phlegm in the morning.

It is truly amazing what a simple shift can do.

There is so much food out there in the world to consume, yet we’ve gotten used to eating only a tiny variation. Many are walking around malnourished and contributing to their health problems because of the indiscriminate consumption of pH and nutritionally unbalanced meals.

When we understand the power of food we can then use it strategically for optimal nourishment and healing. The best part of it all is that real foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds are cheaper than any poisonous medication or supplement that you could ever buy.

Here are some common fruits and vegetables and how they can contribute to a healthier you:

Asparagus – It is low in calories and high in protein and antioxidants. It contains potassium, vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, riboflavin and thiamine. It regulates your body’s acidity, much like Biomagnetism.

Avocados – They are full of protein and have been used as an aphrodisiac. They are rich in lutens and phytochemicals, one called glutathione which has demonstrated anticancer properties. They are also known to help cataracts and macular (vision) degeneration. Lutein has also been shown to safeguard against hardening of the arteries.

Bananas can help fight depression, make you smarter, help with a hangover, and relieve morning sickness. Loaded with potassium, they also help ease muscle cramps. They have been recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as being able to lower blood pressure and help stave off heart disease. Bananas also have vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese and fiber. They have also been recognized for their protection against ulcers and they have an antacid effect.

Beets are sweet and tasty and high in minerals like calcium, iron and potassium. They are a good source of folate as well. Beets have been used to help stimulate the liver and help the body release toxins. Hey are also a very powerful blood purifier. Beets are rich in antioxidants and cooked beets actually have a calming effect on the body. They are also full of Vitamin C.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and it is known for its amazing anticancer properties. It is also high in vitamin C and E and beta-carotene.

Brussels sprouts share the same wonderful healing properties as other cruciferous vegetables. They are high in fiber and antioxidants and rich in vitamin C.

Carrots support liver health. They actually become healthier when you cook them because the heat breaks down the beta-carotene. Carrots are wonderful against macular (vision) degeneration and cataracts.

Swiss chard is a powerhouse of phytonutrients and it has many health-promoting qualities. It is low in calories and an excellent source of vitamin C. It is a great source of vitamin K, vitamin A, B complex vitamins and iron. It contains minerals like calcium, copper, sodium, potassium manganese and phosphorous. You can use it in juices, or boiled, steamed or roasted.

Cherries help fight belly fat and post workout soreness. They can reduce the risk of a stroke and help you sleep at night.

Cranberries are used to help fight urinary tract infections.

Cucumbers are high in silica, a substance that helps strengthen the body’s connective tissues.

All plants contain phytonutrients which help prevent illness and slow the aging process.

Garlic helps ward off illnesses like coughs, colds, diarrhea, earaches, high blood pressure, infections and toothaches.

Ginger helps with gastrointestinal issues and aids in digestion. It also helps those who suffer from arthritis, inflammation or pain.

Grapes contain resveratrol which enhances brain health.

Grapefruit eases symptoms of inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Green apples have 50 percent more nutrients than red ones. Green apples are also rich in antioxidants which help to rebuild cells.

Kale is a great detox food and keeps your liver healthy.

Lemons are a powerful immune booster high in vitamin C.

Mangos have a preventative benefit against cancer.

Onions contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant. They are also a powerful weapon to use to fight colds and flu.

Oranges promote optimal health with more than 170 unique phytonutrients, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and blood-clotting properties.

Pears help with blood pressure, colon health and constipation and even boost your energy.

Raspberries contain powerful cancer busting qualities and help with constipation.

Red peppers contain three times the amount of vitamin C as green peppers. They are one of the top ten antioxidant vegetables and reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

Spinach contains twice as much iron as most other greens and is a wonderful cancer-fighter as well.

Squash contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber and folate.

Watercress helps protect smokers from lung cancer by inhibiting the strong and potent carcinogenic in tobacco.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

Healing by distance is possible

Summary:  The belief that access to biomagnetism is limited because there are a limited number of therapists worldwide is wrong. The fact is that everybody on earth has access, even if you live in a remote part of the world.


Every day we are helping people from faraway places take control of their lives by restoring proper balance and helping them obtain optimal quality of life without them having to come to us.

We do this through a science called “distance healing.”

Distance healing may seem strange to you and it was for me at first. But after years of practicing, I know that it works just as well as if the person arrived directly at our centre.

Recently I did distance healing for two different women who had been in the hospital for about a month. One was hospitalized as a result of Guillain Barre Syndrome (paralysis) and the other as a result of lung cancer.

The woman with Guillain Barre Syndrome had immediate improvement and was released that week and sent to a rehabilitation facility. The woman with lung cancer also showed immediate improvement with more energy and had an easier time breathing.

The way we in the Goizean biomagnetic/bioenergetics field perform Distance Healing sessions is by putting magnets on a person who is not the intended “target.”

In these particular cases, the brother of one lady and the daughter of the other came in. Had a relative of theirs not been able to come in, then I would have used one of our assistants to serve as the surrogate to send the therapeutic effect “over the distance.”

We only do distance healing if the intended “target” gives us permission; in other words, we must have consent. Consent isn’t necessary when we are doing this for children since it is the parent’s responsiblitity to care for their children.

When I use our assistants as surrogates, I generally put the call on speaker mode and have the “target” give me (the therapist) their verbal consent.

From this point forward the communication channel has been opened.

Through this science we are showing people that we can provoke a biochemical shift in a person regardless of their distance from us.

This may seem strange because this understanding is a significant departure from current scientific paradigms. How can a therapist communicate with the cells of a person who is on the other side of the world?

The truth is that our DNA holds the answers to many of our problems and we can communicate healing to that DNA.

Researchers into water like Dr. Esther del Rio and Dr. Masaru Emoto are showing that our mind’s intention can produce structure and information changes in water crystals that are inside of us as well as in water crystals outside of us. Remember that we are mostly water.

This understanding allows us deeper investigative power to discover people’s psychological, emotional and spiritual obstacles, among other things. It is this ongoing scientific research that allows us understanding of how distance healing is possible.

When we have the understanding of what our true obstacles are, then we have the ability to shift our thinking and actions to overcome those multidimensional barriers so that we get to the destination where we really want to be; this is to be in control of our lives.

Srinivasan Pillay, writing in The Huffington Post, told the story of a scientific study that proved distance healing can be highly effective. At the same time, he noted that within the scientific community, there are a number of people who believe in the concept of distance healing, and another group who think the very idea of it is spooky and unrealistic.

In the scientific studies done to date, there are four physical principles described to support the concept.

The first is that an as yet unknown energy transmits intention and secondly, this intention warps space and time much like gravity, building pathways for healing connections.

The third is that people, all particles as captured in quantum physics theories, have instantaneous correlations across distance.

The fourth idea is that intention can be measured as a commodity in quantum physics. It organizes random possibilities such as how wave functions can be collapsed into a single function.

I encourage you to pick up my book Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System that comes with magnets available at

Remember that biomagnetism is essentially a vibrational therapy which screens your body for pH imbalances and restores health by striking a balance between the acidic and alkaline levels of your body.

You do this by placing medium intensity magnets on specific areas of the body for a short period of time.

You create a biomagnetic pair when you place medium-intensity magnets over two specific areas of your body that are connected energetically and resonate with each other. One is a positive acidic and the other is negative alkaline.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

Is taking no action really a health strategy?

Summary:   Self-neglect takes many forms, but the most obvious is avoiding seizing the life that you deserve. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we realize that we really do need a health strategy to live life optimally.


Hitting rock bottom before you do something about your health is actually a strategy, though it may not be a very good one.

It is a strategy that allows for maximum physical, emotional and spiritual suffering.

If that is what you seek, you don’t need to have a different health strategy.

But if you want to live optimally, you need a different approach.

Many people take greater care of the inanimate objects in their life than they take care of themselves.

They place a protective cover over their cell phone, they ensure that their car gets periodic maintenance, and they purchase computer virus scanning programs. If there is a glitch with their DVD player or television, they get it checked out and replaced immediately.

Likewise they pay strict attention to the smooth functioning of their stove and washing machines.

But when it comes to the most important machine in existence on earth – their own bodies – they don’t have a second to spare to care for it until one day they hit rock-bottom and find themselves desperately seeking a solution to things that have gone horribly wrong.

The problem with this no strategy approach to caring for yourself is that sometimes the hole you dig is too deep to get out of. It can lead to your death and a lot of pain and suffering for everyone who cares about you.

This approach is one of self-violence and violence towards your loved ones because they suffer too when they see your life spiraling out of control.

More often than not it is by neglecting self-love and failing to truly value your unique qualities and not making the most of what you have that you fall into this hole. You dwell only on what you don’t have in life, not on what you do.

Such a mentality leads to a lifetime of excuses about what you have and can’t get and this mentality keeps you perpetuating your problems, not living your solutions.

Hitting rock bottom often comes with the primary excuses about why you can live the life you want: you don’t have sufficient time or money.

At our centre I ran a five-month social experiment offering donation-based Alphabiotic alignment service. You are in and out in about five minutes and you donate whatever you can even if it is one penny. I thought that was charitable, reasonable, fair and accessible, don’t you agree?

This information was given out to hundreds of people via flyers, Facebook, and an email blast to subscribers to my free website service (www.SaveMeMagnetscom). Yet only a handful of people showed up.

I asked regulars why their relatives or neighbors weren’t coming with them and they said they had invited them but were told: “I don’t have time,” or “I don’t have pain,” or “That doesn’t work,” or “If the doctor can’t help me, that can’t either,” or “It’s witchcraft,” or “I have no transportation.”

One woman, whom we call the Ambulance because she makes it a point to give people rides to our center, summed up the situation perfectly: “People just don’t care about taking care of themselves until they hit rock-bottom.”

At first when I told her about my donation-based service she was so excited and promised me she would come with droves of people because over the months all she’s been hearing is the time and money excuse.

What happened when those excuses were no longer valid, including the transportation one? The excuses changed.

You may think that maybe the people she approached weren’t in pain and didn’t understand the need for this alignment, but certainly among all those people there would have been someone who was suffering and in pain and who would jump at this opportunity. Right?

My observation is that this is not necessarily true either.

On Facebook I have two “friends” who post about brain cancer. One has brain cancer (an adult) and the other has a child with cancer. The posts are often dramatic and sad.

I offered my services free to them. I explained biomagnetism to them, answered their questions, and sent them links to Dr. Goiz’s work. Guess what?

They stopped corresponding with me the moment I offered them something for free. One merely replied: “I’ll think about it.”

Yet to me it is amazing that they were offered a great life-enhancing opportunity and turned it down. They continued to post about going out and numbing their pain with alcohol.

When it comes to neglecting your health, you pay a price and that price is not necessarily an economic one. It is the price of pain and suffering for both you and your family, friends, and colleagues who witness your pain.

It is the price of time that will eventually lead you to a medical doctor’s waiting room, the testing, the pharmacies, and sometimes the costly price of paying with your life.

The cemeteries are filled with people who didn’t know there were better options.

My books, How Magnets Can Save Your Life and Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System, leave you with no excuse to avoid living the life you and your family deserve.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

Is Paleo eating for you?

Summary:   Life is more than any given therapy, modality or procedure. Most importantly, it is about lifestyle. How we nourish our body also has a great influence on our mind, body, spirit balance.


Do the types of food you eat support the life you dream of, or does it contribute to low energy levels and ultimately disease?

How we nourish our bodies is the key to clear thoughts, a well-functioning body, and our spiritual purpose-of-life views.

You are what you eat in every sense of the word.

Before you start any kind of new eating plan, it is a good idea to go through a process of recalibration. You can get chapter by chapter instructions on how to do that in my book Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.  So that you can do the magnetic pairing exercises included, you can order your self-care kit that comes with four magnets at

Then you are ready to embrace a new way to eat.

The Taoist philosophy talks about pH balanced eating, but recently my thoughts have evolved to finding a great appreciation for Paleo (from Paleolithic era) diet eating because I find it a simple way to achieve an optimal energy level and weight.

I’ve lost 10 pounds just in the last few weeks eating this way.

It has to do with eliminating foods high in sugar or starch and I feel great!

You may find that eating this way is agreeable for your body, but you need to be careful about how you reintroduce foods if you get used to eating in this healthy manner.

I recently ate a corn tortilla after being off of them for a while, and my body reacted by itching. It also made me think of how months back someone had told me that most corn is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) which is far worse than if it was sprayed by pesticides.

It just goes to show that many of our health problems could actually be due to food allergies or poisoning.

If you really want to eat a healthy diet, you may actually benefit from stepping back in time a bit. If you ate the way the caveman ate, you would probably be much healthier. The caveman most likely got a lot more physical exercise than we do in this modern day, but all in all the diet they ate was based around the foods plentiful by nature.

I don’t imagine obesity was much of a problem back then, because the caveman spent much of his time in a battle to survive. The Paleo diet philosophy is based around what the first humans actually ate, which is a diet rich in wild plants and animal protein. The caveman probably didn’t have much in terms of starches, carbohydrates or processed foods like we do these days.

So what does it mean to eat foods from nature?

While I’m not necessarily promoting the Paleo diet, I like its philosophy because it is a plan that’s based on whole foods that are not processed.

The diet promotes foods lie fish, meat, nuts, eggs, fruits and vegetables. It does not include things like dairy, grains, legumes, excess sugar, vegetable or seed oils.

This is essentially a plan which allows you to get back to a more natural way of eating.

There is no substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables, although the Paleo diet does not necessarily promote eating massive quantities of fruit, which is actually high in sugar.

If you like this way of eating, it is a good, solid plan. Try and stick with lean proteins and vary your selection by eating protein rich foods from the air, the land and the sea.

There are no grains allowed on the Paleo diet, but you don’t necessarily have to follow that diet to the letter. In fact, you should consume some grains because as my acupuncturist friend helped me understand, rice is soothing and avoiding grains and sticking strictly to the Paleo model will cause restless sleep.

Taking the philosophy of the diet is probably a smart choice. Eating foods from nature is an entirely new way to eat and it can be a shock to your system if you are not careful.

Introduce this type of plan slowly and carefully. Gently start reducing processed foods from your diet as much as you can and start introducing whole, clean, clear foods from nature.

When I recommended this to one woman and she tried it, she returned to tell me that when she ate vegetables, she felt bloated. That has to do with the fiber we are consuming. The bloating leaves with time and with practice.

One thing for sure is that once you get used to eating this way, you will not want to stop because your energy will be boundless!

If you shop in the produce section and the lean protein section, you pretty much have this diet covered.

Throw in a little healthy fat like coconut oil or olive oil (raw, never cook with it) or real butter and you have a recipe for success.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

Can you over-exercise your body?

Summary:  There is a time and a place in all our lives for demanding exercises, but it is possible to over-do it. Too much exercise can lead to energy depletion.


Recently I worked with a person who was going through a divorce, had a full-time job and was studying full-time in a higher education degree program.

On top of all of these stresses, he started a vigorous exercise program. He told me, in fact, that he was in the best physical shape he had ever been in during his life.

But he was troubled. He said he was always tired and was having a hard time focusing on anything.

When we talked further about how he spent his days, it became clear that while he had made the correct choice to exercise, the amount of time he was dedicating to very demanding exercise was having the opposite effect from what he intended.

Instead of helping him, his exercise regimen was overdone, and it was contributing to the deterioration of his physical and emotional health.

There is a time and a place in all our days for demanding exercises, but if we overdo it, it can lead to the depletion of our energy instead of filling us up.

At first this man was upset that I made this suggestion to him. He did not want to believe that his exercise regimen was hurting him. That is because his friend, a person he described as a “really good trainer” told him that it was okay for him to work out as much as he did.

The reality is that there is no such thing as a one-glove-fits-all approach to exercise.

For example, one hour a day of demanding exercise can make one person feel treat and lead to another’s death or severe injury.

We must remember that our individual needs are all unique.

Using the bioenergetics (muscle testing) technique I implement for everyone at our healing center, we determined that this man should work out less, which he did. He reported back saying he immediately felt a million times better when he decreased his exercise program.

There is a popular saying “use it or lose it” and that is true about our bodies when it comes to exercise.

Exercise impacts our immune system, stamina, strength, flexibility, weight control, emotional intelligence, and overall quality of life.

So how do we exercise without hurting ourselves?

The fact is, there are many types of exercises. Centuries ago, our ancestors discovered superior forms of exercises that are safe and doable for everybody.

They realized that if our focus was on external exercises, for example, sports, martial arts, body building, yoga, aerobics, dance and others that emphasize external figures, then without a doubt we also need to do internal exercises.

Internal exercises are different in that the focus is on our thinking, breathing and movement.

By doing internal exercises the ancients determined that we can forget about doing external exercises because internal exercises revitalize our physiological and mental function.

Regardless of what condition you may or may not have, you must always think about your optimal function. That is why I frequently remind you to pick up my book Reset Your Personal Wellness in 6 Days to ensure that you are always living life at your best.

The point is that whether you are sitting at work or home wondering what to do for your health, you can take control of your energy by directing it in ways that can make life better.

It is through rejuvenating exercises that we put the power in our hands to overcome disease and also maintain higher levels of energy. When we practice internal exercises we energize the entire body, balance energy levels, and promote better function so that we can heal, regulate, correct and prevent disease.

That way we are stronger, more enlightened and we no longer fear anything like disease or even old age.

Thousands of years ago, the ancients noticed that the crane, the turtle, and the deer lived long lives.

By observing these animals’ movements they adopted them as exercises for human use. In my book How Magnets Can Save Your Life, I outline the details on how to do these exercises.

The crane exercise is especially helpful to avoid problems of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems and to relieve such symptoms as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, nutrient malabsorption, coughing, asthma, skin problems, headaches, and poor circulation.

The deer exercise for men strengthens our anal muscle (sphincter). It also builds sexual organ tissue, balances hormones and strengthens our spirituality. A slightly different version for women helps eliminate problems related to menstruation such as emotional ups and downs, cramps, and abnormal blood flow.

The turtle exercise is very special in that it is a bridge between our brain and the nerves which control the entire functioning of our body.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

We are all energy: let’s talk alphabiotics

Summary:  The goal of alphabiotics is to help us be more conscious, spiritual, alert and full of life. With alphabiotics, vertebrae fall into their appropriate place not because they are forced but because your innate energy to find peace and balance is awakened.

Figure emerges from light

A television interviewer visited me at my healing center recently, and I gave him an Alphabiotic alignment.

In this alignment, hands-on energetic impulses are applied to the spine in order to liberate the body from physical, emotional and spiritual stress. This causes a popping sound and removes pressure so that the nerves can breathe better. The result is immediate inner peace, balance and better overall function.

When I saw this man the next day, he looked very different from the previous day.

With a great big smile he shook my hand and told me that he had been having problems all week long at work and felt stressed when he visited me.

But after the alignment, he felt peace and happiness. He also told me that as soon as he left our center, the solution to his work-related problem hit him like a lightning bolt.

To explain alphabiotics, we must understand that everything about our existence is energy. We can look at life and all its dimensions from that premise.

All things, like love, happiness, sadness, rage, pain, good health, bad health and even boredom step from different vibrations of energy within us.

It is the difference between optimal high energy levels that promotes well-being versus low energy levels that lead to poor health.

When touch is applied to our body with a focused intention to heal or transform, it can help us turn anxiety, anger and frustration into peace and wellbeing.

Touch is so powerful that you don’t need specific training or methods to notice the powerful effects of it. For example, go up to a loved one right now and give them a heartfelt hug and notice the immediate shift within both of you. Touch moves energy!

If you hug in a mechanical way or hug someone when you are angry, you will notice that the feeling is very different. This shows us that there is more to touch than just the mechanics of it.

The goal of Alphabiotics is to help us be more conscious, spiritual, alert and full of life. Alphabiotics is touch that goes beyond fixing a physical ailment as a result of a crooked spine or looking for specific vertebrae that are out of place to push them into a specific position.

Alphabiotic is a means of understanding that there are underlying issues that cause muscles to tighten and the vertebrae to go out of place. With Alphabiotics, vertebrae will fall into their appropriate place, but not because they are forced. Rather, they go because our innate energy to find peace and balance is awakened.

There are every day stress factors that lead to imbalance. Returning the body to its unified balance is what we must always strive for.

When we are unified from within, guidance happens from within and this leads to strength in all dimensions of life. You have a better understanding of yourself, better relationships, more creativity, intuition, joy and so on.

On the other hand, when you are separated from within, unbalanced or influenced from exterior things, you push your vital energy outwards and thus become weak, inefficient and in pain.

Unbalanced people have an opposite attitude. They think: “I can’t; that doesn’t work; life sucks’ it’s too complicated; they did me wrong; you caused my problems; you made me mad.”

In other words, it is the “poor me, I am a victim of life” mentality that keeps them perpetuating a low-level energy existence on a daily basis.

It is these very same people that have no faith, patience or determination. They have an idea that they don’t want change but don’t care to acknowledge what is wrong is their own attitude and don’t want to submit themselves to a system or discipline.

This system or discipline is in your hands right now but unless you apply it to your life, it is useless.

Alphabiotics is not about chiropractic, therapeutic manipulation, medicine, energetic healing or massage therapy. It is also not about treating, healing, curing, diagnosing or fixing something that is wrong.

When I deliver the Alphabiotic alignments, my objective transcends the notion that something is wrong with you. On the contrary, I tap into the source of everything that is right about you, and that is that you are alive and more than capable of having perfect well-being with infinite possibilities for living your ultimate health and achieving your dreams.

Within all of us we have intelligent power of life that allows us to be ready to solve problems, manifest dreams, have peace, harmony and maintain a constant state of physical, emotional and spiritual balance.

This is the ultimate wealth that we can achieve through periodic alignments.

The Alphabiotic alignments are a solid solution that can help us live with consciousness, have intention, grow, prosper, have peace and so much more.

We should move away from the notion that we must be in obvious pain or emotional suffering to see wellness solutions. Instead, we must work towards the idea that biomagnetism and alphabiotics are solutions that are a part of your lifestyle just like brushing your teeth or showering.

Alphatbiotics aims at unifying both left and right brain hemispheres so that the body is balanced in strength and function ad as a result interrupts stress patterns and allows our body to live in balance.

That is why the alignments are more than something that should be done because there is pain. They are a part of a lifestyle that allows you to live constantly at optimal energetic levels.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

How do you identify a qualified medical biomagnetist?

Summary:  It can take a few hundred sessions before a trained biomagnetist moves from being a student to a full-fledged practitioner, despite the extent of their training.


If you are seeking help from anyone claiming to be a Biomagnetic Pair practitioner, you should ask these six questions:

  1. Did you study directly with Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran or a university authorized by him through the Medical Biomagnetic Research Center?
  2. How long have you been in practice?
  3. Do you have both Level 1 Biomagnetism and Level 2 Bioenergetic training?
  4. What is your success rate in helping individuals heal?
  5. Do you have testimonials?
  6. Have you helped someone with my condition?

As with any endeavor, challenges are faced by new Biomagnetic Pair practitioners.

In the field of Biomagnetism, fear of failure and self-doubt are perhaps the biggest obstacles since the science behind the practice will not change.

The pressures for new students are high since the therapy has the potential to cure cancer and arthritis, among many other serious healthcare problems.

As a practitioner of Biomagnetism, an individual’s feelings and intentions may also interfere with the quality of a treatment. It takes a few hundred sessions before the individual moves from student into the realm of practitioner.

You may ask why there is training but no testing for students.

The answer is simple. Biomagnetism is an entirely new field of understanding. The current stage of biomagnetic development is to disseminate information about the practice and science of the therapy.

In the beginning, Dr. Goiz intended his training to be exclusively for medical doctors. But seeing there was virtually no interest in it, he decided to train people from all walks of life. He is succeeding in reaching thousands throughout Latin and North America as well as Europe.

Depending on where you live, you may find it very difficult to get in touch with a qualified biomagnetist. I frequently get emails from all over the world asking if I know of a therapist near the letter writer. Regrettable, most of the times the answer is no.

It is a challenge to find qualified biomagnetists since we are only a handful of practitioners in the United States and worldwide.

I know the feeling of searching in vain all too well.

Several years ago I too was interested in finding someone who would do preventative/maintenance biomagnetism for me. It was by coincidence that someone at our healing center said they heard of a practitioner an hour away so I reached out to get some information.

Of course I was curious about her experience. I asked if she was also qualified with Level 2 training, bioenergetics, and she said she wasn’t.

Even though I realized I was talking to a beginner, I still wanted to visit her.

But then I followed up with question about when she planned to do the Level 2 training and she said she wasn’t going to do it. Then she became defensive and said: “Why do you ask?”

I let her know that I was a biomagnetic therapist myself, and I was looking to develop a working relationship with someone where I could go for treatments myself and also refer other people.

She rejected my proposal and made it crystal clear that she was not interested in working with me or meeting me, and I accepted that.

But you see, this is exactly why we should be asking each of these questions. Only then will we know if we are talking to a person who is qualified to help us take our well-being to another level.

Part of qualifying a practitioner has to do with where they obtained their training. In recent years, more and more university programs in Latin America and Europe are teaching biomagnetism and are endorsed by Dr. Goiz and current governing board; however, there are also opportunists that have created online programs – I would say, stay away from them!

You’re correct and within your right to research this information about me (Moses Durazo).  Here’s more information about me:

  1. Colegio de Investigación de Biomagnetismo Médico, Mexico City: Successful completion of Biomagnetism/ Bioenergetics Levels 1 & 2 directly with Dr. Goiz
  2. University of California Santa Cruz: Humanities B.A., Holistic Health Practitioner
  3. University California Irvine: Medical Assistant
  4. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles & University of California San Francisco: Infectious Disease Research Assistant
  5. Quantum Alphabiotic Association, Guanajuato, Mexico
  6. Mental Health Counselor, Santa Cruz Community Counseling Services
  7. Biomagnetic radio program host at

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

What is the difference between magnet therapy, the biomagnetic pairs science and Durazo’s Biomagnetic Recalibration System?

Summary:  Magnet therapy and medical biomagnetism are very different practices. Magnet therapy is not a diagnostic approach and does not address specific diseases or mind-spirit issues directly.


My patients are often puzzled about the difference between magnet therapy, which they have heard about, and medical biomagnetism, which they know very little about.

There is a huge chasm between the two.

Magnet therapy, offered to the public through products like necklaces, rings, bracelets, mattresses and so on, involves the placement of a magnetic field to the site of your pain. In simplest terms, if you have a headache, you place a magnet on it.

All you need to know is which side is the negative field, because that is the field that is used towards your body.

While there is some benefit to this, the shortcoming is that it is not the means of getting to the root of your problem. It is not a diagnostic approach and does not address specific diseases of mind-spirit issues directly.

Medical Biomagnetism goes far beyond the random application of magnetic fields to the body.

It aims at detecting and erasing specific pH distorted environments of the body. This is a specific science that is powerful, practical, precise and effective. By receiving this therapy, I was personally able to get rid of a chronic problem affecting me for years.

It is through this amazing discovery of Dr. Goiz’s Medical Biomagnetic Pair science that more and more people are finding out that there is a safe and sound solution to problems that supposedly are incurable. It is also what propelled me to study this field of healing myself and to become a Certified Biomagnetism Pairs Therapist.

Practitioners like myself are trained and expert in applying magnetic pairs (both negative and positive fields) and they do so with a focused mind, body and spirit for a medical purpose.

You can learn the basics of biomagnetic pairing in my book Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System. You can also get a set of four health magnets for biomagnetic pairing at

In late 2015, I began to think about how to best deliver a simple-to-use and effective self-care biomagnetic method. I knew that there was a great need for this because pair treatment is too complex for a layperson to learn easily, and yet finding accessibility to trained practitioners is virtually impossible because of the small number worldwide.

It is an amazing recalibration system with wellness protocols that show you how to live the best version of your life. It addresses mind, body, spirit balance as well as strategies for dealing with pain, detoxification and boosting all your body systems in order to maintain optimum wellness.

The objective of this science is to neutralize your biochemistry (pH balance) by identifying specific pH distortions in your body caused by micro-organisms, intoxications, emotional issues and other factors that cause illness.

Biomagnetic therapy is a new and exciting wellness alternative to expensive and unproductive hospital visits. It is for the many people who are looking for options, realizing that mainstream allopathic medicine is failing them.

As a result of this many prospective and current health practitioners are seeking direct training from Dr. Goiz. Currently zero barriers or prerequisites to entry are created by Dr. Goiz for those who seek to understand the biomagnetic methodology, science and practice.

When I studied with Dr. Goiz in 2009 at Mexico City’s Biomagnetism Research Center, I was surrounded by healthcare practitioners from various fields.

Those in attendance included medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, Reiki healers, masseurs, and spiritualists and mediums and more.

Investing in 100 hours of theory, those in attendance shadow Dr. Goiz at his center for a week and observe his interaction with patients.

It is important to have a qualified person administering therapy because while it is a safe practice for the bulk of patients, there are rare cases when it is not advisable and your practitioner must be aware of those circumstances.

For example, if you have a pacemaker, you can definitely try biomagnetism. But you must inform your practitioner of the pacemaker’s location so as to avoid that area for magnet placement. Under no circumstances do you ever place magnets over a pacemaker because it may drain the battery.

If you are currently on medication or trying different types of therapies, so long as it’s not chemotherapy, then Biomagnetism is definitely safe for you.

However, it is important to understand that after Biomagnetism the body starts a healing process and this makes it so that the dosage of your medication changes as a result. In other words, if your body starts functioning properly, then the dose of medication should now be less or altogether unnecessary.

In my next program/blog, I will guide you in how to identify a qualified biomagnetic practitioner.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at

Why blaming others for how you feel is pointless

Summary:  When you are hurt and angry, it is easy to point your finger at others and blame them for your emotional upheaval. Some people even blame others for making them ill. That is a futile exercise and nobody benefits from it.


A man came to my healing center recently because he was emotionally overwrought and was becoming ill as a result.

He had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend and he was blaming her for his discomfort and pain.

“I urgently need your help,” he said. “I can’t concentrate at work. I can’t sleep and I’m losing too much weight – it’s not healthy.  She has ruined my life and it’s all her fault what is happening to me.”

He walked out of the session looking very different and said that during the therapy that he felt a strong vibration in his head and saw vivid lights and felt much more relaxed.

The next day he reported sleeping well and feeling able to cope with his broken heart. He said, “On a 1-10 scale, I was at a 20, but this morning I’m at a 4. That’s great!”

He was also a little less negative about blaming his girlfriend for his problems.

His case is typical of many I see that has taught me to acknowledge that healing from emotional stress is a process and biomagnetism is a tool to help you through that process in a safe, powerful, practical, precise and effective way.

Biomagnetism works in relieving emotional factors because emotions also have a direct effect on our biochemistry.

Of course, it also makes sense that people take active steps to avoid falling into the same emotional traps and identifying the underlying emotional blockage is a very important one we can discover in a session.

Remember that is very easy to point the finger and blame other for the hurt “they caused.”

But we must also acknowledge that when this happens we’ve handed over our power to people who love to be hateful and allowed them to step on us.

We must not allow it. Blaming others for how we feel is pointless too.

When it comes to chronic or degenerative disease, there is typically a strong emotional component that contributes to a person’s health deterioration.

As I’ve been discussing all through my blogs/programs, unresolved emotions distort our biochemistry and thus create the proper internal imbalanced environment that allows virus, bacteria, fungus or parasites to find a home and dysfunctions to develop.

If we take a step back and recognize that emotional well-being is key, then it is time to address our belief system too because one of the most common issues I see is the self-criticism of not feeling “good enough” or “I did a bad thing” or that “my thoughts are bad.”

It is time we transform our negativity to positivity and accept that what is done is done and that continuing the self-violence isn’t going to help you make any progress.

Sometimes it is just best to say: “I really messed up, but I am going to make it right by doing good deeds starting with self-forgiveness.”

Let’s remember that we are in charge of ourselves; nobody else is. It is one thing to have bad thoughts but it is a whole other thing to act upon them.

The impact of our emotions on our well-being keeps surfacing in discussions with patients and skeptics alike.

If people who are distraught ask me if Biomagnetism can help them, in most cases my response is a resounding yes.

But when I hear people say, “you need to believe it in order for it to work,” I partially agree.

The fact is that the laws of science apply to all, but the laws of the mind and spirit are unique to each and every one of us. It is only when you believe a process can help you that you take action.

The most important ingredient is taking responsibility for what you have created for yourself and taking inspired action because you can’t change the results if you don’t change what you are doing.

Healing is a process to which you must be open. You have to be ready to seek help and I always ask that people not bring someone to our center who doesn’t seem ready to accept such help.

In the end, it doesn’t do any good to beg someone to seek help or to bribe someone by offering to pay for their therapy, especially if they are not ready.

Making the decision to try Biomagnetism can yield wonderful results for you personally and for your entire family because a disease process affects absolutely everybody.

If you or a loved one is near death, then also make it a point to try this method because increasing the quality of life in the end stages is possible, in fact.

Moses Durazo is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapy who successfully treats many illnesses using pairs of medium-intensity magnets.  He created a revolutionary six-day recalibration system using magnets that is detailed in his bestselling book “Biomagnetism:  The Mind, Body and Spirit Recalibration System.”  He is also the author of “How Magnets Can Save Your Life” that includes a Pain Reliever Protocol.  You can secure these and other books and a Biomagnetic Rehabilitation System self-care kit that comes complete with health magnets at